Saturday, November 12, 2011


"I know you are there Allah. I know you see my tears.
 I know you hear my prayers. I know you are testing me. And all I ask from you is to strengthen 
my Imaan so I can handle the struggles in life and have patience.
 I love you my Lord. My Allah. Please keep me safe" 
Ameen.. :')


ALL DA BEST aku ucapkan tuk sesape saje yang akan atau sedang
menduduki peperiksaan akhir. 
#ucapan orang malas :p
esp to bebudak DAT5C n kengkawan PKB n kengkawan GBP1M :)
buat yang terbaik ye korangggg~ 

wish me will do da best all readers. 
#rasa sem nie paling terok kot PB. sobsss :'(



yanamib said...

gud luck and all the best bdk comel..klu rs2 blur tu ingt la! =P

mr.syazwan said...

All the best buat yg terbaik ok!


Unknown said...

buat yang terbaik mek